Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Week Three: Photo's and Images

This week I am exploring Flickr and creating 3rd party mashups.

Flickr is a fascinating tool if like me you enjoy looking at other people's pictures. I am surprised at how willing people are to have their intimate moments out there on the internet for anyone to see.

I have found some amazing pictures out there! In particular some of the black and white ones are just lovely.
I have discovered the website Big Huge Labs its a fantastic resource to have a play with pictures and create cool stuff, from cd covers, to photoframes! Found this awsome lolcat :D yay!
For Technology related, I again refer to Ubuntu. It is an open source operating system. As I have just built my own computer I do not want to install Vista I am looking at alternatives. Here is the website for Ubuntu . What attracts me to Ubuntu? Well its free!! :D and you rarely get a virus while running linux :D So that is what I am investigating at the moment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A virus is the bain of every computer owner...thanks for the tip